Since, BMVSS gives limbs for FREE to the needy, it has a greater responsibility to provide quality limbs.
In view of the above, BMVSS tries to upgrade its products or developed new products which are even efficient.
Indeed, BMVSS tries to marry service with science.
For this, BMVSS does in-house R&D. BMVSS has the advantage having the largest Data for the disabled, a great component of research and senior doctors.
BMVSS has also outsources some research projects. For example:
Under an MoU for joint venture between the world-famous Stanford University, USA and BMVSS, a new knee joint called the Jaipur-Knee, needed by the above-knee amputees, has been developed. It is among the world’s topmost mechanical knee joints. Time Magazine, USA, in its issue of 23rd Nov 2009, described Jaipur Knee as one of the 50 Best Inventions of the world for the year 2009. Further, Time Magazine described this as a knee joint costing US$20 in comparison to a comparable knee joint in America, costing US$ 10,000. BMVSS had already fitted 30,000 such joints by now with excellent feedback.
BMVSS has an MoU with another world-renowned university – MIT, USA, under which, a more energy saving foot piece and a braking knee joint (which takes care of the movement of an amputee on an undulated ground are being developed).
BMVSS has also a collaboration with Santa Clara University, USA, for the development of a myo-electric hand.
While BMVSS has a large Gait Lab, it has now established a new portable Gait lab supplied by Neuro Equilibrium company.
In our portable gait lab have been introduced as they analysis the gait, ensuring its correction very quickly.
Jaipur Limb getting partially digitised; total contact socket of Jaipur limb is been made by 3D Printing Process of a Japanese Company. Thus, Japanese Digital System and Jaipur foot technology are blended.