Who we are

Associate centres and joint ventures

Name of BeneficiaryJaipur Foot Inc.
Beneficiary BankBank of America
ABA/Routing NumberDomestic Wire Routing: 026009593
International Wire Swife CodeBOFAUS3N
Beneficiary BankBank of America
Bank Account Number483068037506
Bank Address550 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10036 Tel: 800-432-1000
ContactPrem Bhandari (2022475400, 5165890961) Manish Daddha (2019218765) Neelu Daddha, Vibhor Daddha (001-2012421811)

We recognized that sustainable solution is setting up permanent centers. The following centers are have been setup.

  1. Mahaveer Philippines Foundation Inc, Manila, Philippines. It is operating three centers in Manila(2) and Zamboanga.
  2. HASWA Artificial Limb fitting center, Karachi, Pakistan & National Rural Support Program (NRSP), Islamabad, Pakistan.
  3. Mauritius
  4. Tanzania
  5. Equatorial Guinea
  6. Nepal
  7. Kenya (Uses Jaipur Foot Technology)
  8. Fiji Island (Uses Jaipur Foot Technology)
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